Biomimetics and Dexterous Manipulation (BDML)
BDML draws insights from nature in developing bio-inspired technologies including gecko-like adhesives, soft muscle actuators, under-actuated hands, and flexible tactile sensors enabling robots to climb, fly, perch, handle delicate objects, and interact responsively with humans. We work with biologists on design principles of animal performance and with roboticists to control our solutions in environments from under the se, inside the human body, and in space.
The CHARM Lab develops safe and intuitive haptic interfaces for enhanced physical connection in remote and virtual interaction. We couple users with teleoperation tasks, increase perceptual realism in virtual environments, and deliver intuitive robotic manipulation via soft, safe, deformable mechanisms. Our solutions assist doctors in robot-assisted surgery, students in extended-realism simulations, disaster recovery specialists in assessment/situation handling, and the disabled for richer life experiences.
Robotics Lab
The Robotics Lab develops mathematical control algorithms, hardware capabilities, and programming interfaces, and, by acquiring human-level skill through learning, is advancing rich dexterous physical interaction with the environment. Our hierarchical feedback architecture coupling perception and action enables accommodation to scene dynamics, including people. Ocean One, the lab’s collaborative humanoid underwater robot, demonstrates how avatars can succeed at challenging tasks in inhospitable spaces.
Soft Intelligent Materials Lab (SIMLab)
SIMLab utilizes analytical, numerical, and experimental tools to study the functional responses of stimuli-responsive materials subject to external stimuli such as stress, temperature, light, chemical, electric, or magnetic fields. Applications include soft actuators, soft robotics, flexible electronics, morphing structures, biomedical engineering, and sustainable energy.
Salisbury Robotics Lab
The Salisbury Robotics Lab is currently conducting research on in-hand manipulation (non-anthropomorphic), physical Human/Robot Interaction (pHRI) - currently in the context of a robotic Emergency Medical Technician (rEMT), patient-specific simulation of skull-based procedures such as cochlear implantation in a haptically enabled pre-operative planning environment, and the development of a low-impedance high-dynamic range manipulator concept. The lab is led by Prof. Ken Salisbury, with contributions from students such as Shenli Yuan and Connor Yako.
Technology Enabled Clinical Improvement Center (TECIC)
The T.E.C.I. Center designs and implements advanced fabrication and engineering methods for measuring performance metrics in the mastery of surgical operations and bedside procedures. We aim to transform human health and welfare through advances in point-of-care sensor technology supported by data science and personalized, data-driven performance metrics for healthcare providers.
Neuromuscular Biomechanics (NMBL)
NMBL investigators use ourexpertise in biomechanics, computer science, imaging, robotics, and neuroscience to analyze muscle function, study human movement, design medical technologies, and optimize human performance.