Contributing Labs
The member labs of the Stanford Robotics Center are from across the departments of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Bioengineering, Bio-X, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Radiology.

Assistive Robotics and Manipulation Lab (ARMLab)

Autonomous Systems Laboratory (ASL)

Intelligence through Robotic Interaction at Scale Lab (IRIS)

Biomechatronics Lab

Biomimetics and Dexterous Manipulation Lab (BDML)


Multi-Robot Systems Lab (MSL)

Center for Integrated Facility Engineering (CIFE)

Frontier Technology Lab (FTL)

Intelligent and Interactive Autonomous Systems Group (ILIAD)

Navigation and Autonomous Vehicles (NAV) Lab

Interactive Perception and Robot Learning Lab (IPRL)

Robotics and Embodied Artificial Intelligence (REAL) Lab

Robotics Lab

The Movement Lab


Stanford Vision and Learning Lab (SVL)